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Areas of Expertise


I specialize in working with depression, anxiety, phobias, perfectionism, OCD, addictions, ADHD, and parenting skills. I also provide EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) for clients with Trauma and PTSD. In addition, my work allows clients to: Identify and eliminate negative thinking patterns; practice emotional regulation; and, increase self-compassion.


Couples/Marital Counseling

Using the latest research couple's counseling allows partners to: work towards increased trust and commitment; increase fondness and admiration; facilitate effective communication; manage conflict; and, create shared meaning that enhances day-to-day living.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing)

EMDR allows the brain and body an opportunity to reprocesses negative (traumatic) memories. The use of Bilateral Stimulation (or attention to left-right movements) allow healthy, adaptive connections to be made about the problematic memories. Successful EMDR treatment results in: desensitization of emotional and physical distress; emerging insight; changes in physical and emotional perception; and new learning.

My Approach to Therapy

The author Norman Cousins wrote : "Each patient carries his own doctor inside him.” I believe the best solutions manifest themselves when we give the doctor who resides within each of us a chance to go to work.


As a client-directed therapist my approach to therapy includes identifying where a person is “stuck” and working collaboratively with my client to remove obstacles to well-being. Together, we work to access the client’s inner resources and activate the body and mind’s innate ability to heal. Because I believe these resources surface in an environment of authenticity and vulnerability I constantly strive to make therapy a place of unconditional positive regard.


Because my approach to therapy assumes that the client is ultimately responsible for their health and well-being I do not see myself as someone who “fixes” things; instead, I see myself as a companion and resource working towards client-identified goals.


As each person’s journey is unique, therapy may include drawing upon the best parts of many different therapeutic frameworks. Sometimes therapy requires challenging unhelpful thoughts we have adopted that are not based in reality; sometimes therapy requires us to learn how to tolerate and cope with overwhelming feelings; sometimes therapy requires us to examine the stories we have told ourselves that rob us of our power and motivation; and, sometimes therapy requires us to allow our bodies and minds to heal from past traumas that are still affecting us in the present.


Ultimately, therapy is a collaborative venture wherein client and therapist journey together towards healing and growth.

My Approach
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